Maryanne’s latest series, shown in conversation with the paintings of Elliot Collins, is a love letter to Ōākuramatapū, the awa that borders life for us as residents of Ōākura.
The river gives generous summer relief to the whole community, but bears a deeper connection for some. Like its changing colours, influenced by tides of sea or sky, the river can be a place of joy, or mourning. Connection, or divide.
For the artist, the river has been a backdrop for unfolding understanding of local history, a witness of her children’s growth over the summers and a quiet place for whispered prayers and laments.
Maryanne extends gratitude to the board of Ōākura Pā for their tautoko of this kaupapa.
Kei ngā rangatira o Ngāti Tairi me Ngā Māhanga a Tairi, kei ngā whānau katoa o Oākura Pā, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.